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  • We Spend 22 Days Every Year Trying To Decide What To Watch On Netflix

We Spend 22 Days Every Year Trying To Decide What To Watch On Netflix

Cant Decide Season 2 GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants

Yesterday I saw that, on average, people spend 22 days a year picking out what show to watch on Netflix.

That got me thinking…

Things are as easy as they’ve ever been. We live in easier times and have luxuries that not even kings had only a few decades ago. 

We’ve got more food than we can eat. More entertainment than we can consume. More of everything.

Our necessities are easy to meet. We don’t have to wait till Christmas to have a Christmas feast anymore.


Statistics are showing that stress levels are at an all-time high. Suicide is higher, obesity’s a bitch, and it feels like people aren’t as happy as they used to be.

So, what’s the truth?

What’s the problem here?

Well, we have too much freedom.

Freedom = Time + Options

Time + Options = Stress, Anxiety, Uncertainty, and FOMO.

So, Freedom = Unhappiness.

But only if we choose to let it.

We don’t HAVE TO do anything with our time. We work 9–5 jobs on repeat but we know that we don’t HAVE TO

We want to start businesses but we know we don’t HAVE TO. We want to wake up earlier but again, we don’t HAVE TO.

We’re not doing immense physical work. We’re sitting at desks and in front of screens. 

We don’t spend all day hunting for food. Food and basic survival things aren’t a problem.

We don’t HAVE TO do much. And this is the biggest problem facing us.

We’re wired to be comfortable. Thousands of years ago it made sense to conserve energy because we didn’t know when our next meal would be. 

But now, that’s not helping us.

Eisenhower said it — freedom is the only opportunity for self-discipline.

And discipline is driven by MUST DO’s, not HAVE TO’s.

In the absence of real problems, you MUST create a problem in your mind. It needs to be so big that you leave yourself with little choice. 

You MUST improve, build, grow and become better.

So if you find that you’re one of the ‘average’ — spending 22 days per year trying to find what to watch on Netflix. Spend some time thinking in the coming days. 

Use the holiday season to decide what MUST happen, and take away the other options.

If you know what the problem is, don’t stop working on it. Remember, the holidays in our calendar are imaginary. 

But your actions can’t be imaginary. 

Enjoy the days, but still make progress. The world is giving you an excuse to be lazy, but the world is stupid. Don’t be average.

Start today. Show up today.


P.S. if you’re struggling with discipline, read ‘The Practice’ by Seth Godin, or ‘Discipline is Destiny’ by Ryan Holiday. Or if you want a kick in the face, check out ‘Can’t Hurt Me’ by David Goggins.


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