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  • Want To Make Money Immediately? Here Are The Things That Give You The Best Return On Investment

Want To Make Money Immediately? Here Are The Things That Give You The Best Return On Investment

Season 2 Money GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants

I'm not legally qualified for this….but I've got an idea. I'm going to show you what I did. Whether this means you do the same is up to you. Deal?


I'm going to show you how to get an IMMEDIATE return on your investment.

No, it's not a scam.

It's simply - courses, books and seminars.

NOT university, and NOT the learning modules your company makes you do (if you work for a big company).

I mean, courses that help you get better right now.

Here are some examples:

1. Copywriting

I've never been a marketer, but I enjoy writing. So, it made sense to do something that helped me write. I did a 2-week course for $150, and it completely changed my writing. This morning, I was reviewing the old chapters I wrote for my book, and they were terrible.

I've come a long way since completing that course. And it's helped me continue the 'writing everyday' habit.

2. Sales and communication

Everything in life is selling. And nowadays, selling isn't as easy as it used to be, especially for big-ticket items over 6 figures. So I needed to hear how the pros did it. I wanted to know how I could get better because the books I was reading weren't helping. And I wasn't willing to wait for YEARS before I figured it out.

So I got a personal coach, and I did a course on business storytelling.

Over 6 weeks, my communication with clients transformed completely. It was night and day.

The return on investment? HUGE and IMMEDIATE.

3. Products and choices

If you want to spend money on products that make you better, do this - spend it on things that free up your time.

Pay for email.

Pay more for a membership to a gym that's closer to your house so you don't waste time getting there.

Pay more to live close to work, so you have more time to spend on your life and not waste it on your commute.

These are simple things - but that doesn’t make them easy. Especially when our parents have taught us to 'save'.

Saving used to work, it doesn't anymore.

Save Rachel Cruze GIF by Ramsey Solutions

You have to spend money to make it. Or you can spend time - it’s up to you.

In 2023, I've spent over $13,000 on courses, personal coaching, seminars and books. And because of these things, I've made an EXTRA $40,000+ in income. I'll let you do the math - it's pretty good.

And these skills come with me to 2024.

So if you're thinking about investing, put the money in yourself, before you try to get rich.

Making money is a skill. Start practicing.


P.S. Happy fucking New Year.

P.S.S. if you need course recommendations etc. I'll be breaking them down soon. Share this newsletter with a friend, if you want to.


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