Use The Latest Tools

This week, I’ve decided to make a huge change to the tech I use personally.

I do this every year or so as things get outdated and obsolete.

So here are the things I’ve started using.

For emails and Calendar, I’ve signed up with

It’s unlike anything I’ve ever used for emails. It’s already dropping the time I spent on my emails from ‘not much’ to ‘none at all’. I like it.

For notes, I’ve downloaded

The best thing with this is that I can label notes with hashtags, which allows me to search. 

I can find my workouts in my #workout hashtag. 

I can find my mental models in my #decisions hashtag.

And I can find my reflections on mistakes in the #fool section.

The interface is great too. 

Finally, I’m going to take my website down from and move it to

Right now, my website is just rich text. Nothing fancy. It doesn’t make sense to pay $300/year for this. I can do it for free on Gumroad. My consulting clients are word-of-mouth anyway so I don’t need a stand-alone site for them.

The hard part is moving all the articles I’ve written across to that platform. I have over a 100 articles now - and copying and pasting them is time consuming. But I should be done my tomorrow. 

So, why the change? Why switch things up?

Because it’s fun.

I want to be on the new platforms that save me time, make my life easier and let me focus on real life. 

Everything I’ve mentioned here is free except for the emails with which you can try for free for a month. 

If you’re spending too much time on admin, I hope these save you time. 

Have a great week!



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