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  • Think About This The Next Time You’re Consulting An ‘Expert’

Think About This The Next Time You’re Consulting An ‘Expert’

About 17 years ago there were ads run on TV in New Zealand that were a little odd. They featured the NZ Olympic rowing team, and advocated eating ‘red meat’, especially for women.

They shared all the science and how science supported eating lots of red meat for good health. At the same time, the ads helped boost the sale of local red meat.

I always found those ads a little odd. We NEVER had red meat in the house and my parents were fit and healthy, as were we. It didn’t make any sense.

So, I let it go.

Until YEARS later, I was watching a documentary on Netflix. It confirmed that red meat is actually the CAUSE of several diseases and health issues later in life. It even recommend we limit our intake of the food.


Funny, that.

Turns out every 10 years or so, we have a completely new understanding of what’s good for us — backed by science. We’re learning and advancing so quickly, our ‘new’ research disproves the old. Our ‘new’ science trumps the old. And we just move on.

I can’t believe those ads all those years ago…they were SO certain that they were right. They told an entire country to do something that wasn’t good for them.

And this isn’t the only example. America did something similar in the 80’s. Government funded ads told everyone…that processed sugar was healthy they should eat it.

We all know that’s bullshit now.

So what can you learn from this?

Well, if science can change its mind, people can too.

That includes you.

Don’t be disheartened by a ‘no’. Because it’s not a ‘never’.

Don’t say ‘never’, because the future could change your mind and opinion,

And most of all — let the experts do their research, but make up your own mind about what works for you and your life.

A question for you to ponder:

“What did you change your mind on in 2023?”

That’s it for today.


P.S. Your friends/colleagues might like this too. Share it like you share a good Netflix show.


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