the secret to being consistent

Seth's a genius.

He's been writing everyday on his blog for over 20 years. Over 7,500 posts. Over 2 MILLION words. The numbers even put some newspapers to shame. How can one man maintain so much consistency? How can one man put out so much content?

Life is uncertain.

It throws surprises. But rather than let the surprises throw him off track, I get the feeling they fuel him to keep writing. He. Just. Doesn't. Stop.

And it inspires me. I hope it inspires you too - because it’s possible.

Today's message is a short one.

Whatever you're doing – keep doing it. Like Seinfeld said "Don't Break The Chain". Practice everyday.

This is my 42nd blog post. I didn't think I'd make it this far. I haven't missed a day since I started almost two months ago. How?

I don't have a lot to talk about, but when I put pen to digital paper – the words appear.

Showing up is 95% of the battle. Doing the work is the easy part.


"What's the one thing you've been consistent with over the years?

If you can do that, can you show up every day to do something that matters?"


P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this, consider sharing it in a water cooler conversation.


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