Stay on course.

Hey, it’s Harry.

Here’s what I’ve been thinking about recently.

Think of books as songs

Everyone has songs they play on repeat. It’s normal.

Few people re-read the books they love.

So instead, think of a great book as a favourite song that you can’t quite work out the lyrics for yet. Think of it like a melody that’s catchy and that only you find this song amazing. You’ve shared it with your family and friends but you don’t care if they listen or not - this is your jam.

This is the song you headbang to and yell along with when people are staring at you through the open window of a car.

It’s embarrassing how much you love this song.

Now replace song with ‘book’.

Same thing.

Watch your understanding start to dive deeper into a topic you thought you already knew.

Be a woodpecker

A woodpecker can tap twenty times on a thousand trees and get nowhere, but stay busy. Or he can tap twenty thousand times on one tree and get dinner.

If you’re committed, stick with it.

Stay up at night

The only thing keeping you up at night should be excitement. If you’re getting greys it should be because you’re having too much fun, not because you didn’t file that report in the morning.

That’s all.

Share this if you found it useful, if you want to.

I’m off to Italy next week to eat all the pasta they have. Wish me luck.



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