Programs and Apps That Will Save You Time

Morning, it’s me.

This email is special.

Today, I want to share with you some tools I’ve been using for ‘productivity’. And take a break from sharing my ‘thoughts’ on life. I’ve been reading too much philosophy recently.

I enjoy finding new things to use and new companies to support. There are some cool ideas out there.

Tools of…Titans?

Arc Search has been my new favourite browser. It’s saving me loads of time. Recently, I wanted to find which towns were nice to stay in close to Lucerne in Swizerland. When I typed that in google, it gave me a the usual links to click and I found blogs and was bombarded with ads along the way.

Arc Search browses for me. It created a website for the search and I didn’t have to click any links. Within minutes I knew where I wanted to stay so I could write this email to you from Surcee. - I’ve been playing around with an idea to record more podcasts or video courses. Or even just some YouTube stuff. This is one website I came across for all this that blew me away. - I’ve been beyond frustrated with the number of times I have to change and maintain passwords. This does it for me. I only have to remember one password, and that - I can deal with.

Finally, I’ve been using Fastmail for a long time now. It’s my paid, email service. I’ve tried outlook. I’ve tried Gmail. I’ve tried everything. This is my favourite one as it allows me to set rules in record time, and the shortcuts are great.

I hope these help you manage the noise better. If you do save some time, spend it creating. Not consuming.

Sending you some good vibes from Switzerland.

Here’s one of my favourite photos from a hike in France last week. We saw three broken Castles and climbed about 1,500 feet.

Finally, it’s been about 8 weeks since I’ve seen a familiar face - feel free to reply to this if you found it useful.

The fewer conversations I have the more I value them.

Take care,



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