No New Year Habits Without Rewards

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Happy new year fam.

We're animals. We haven't changed much over the past few thousand years, so why not do what we know works? It's uh…pretty straight forward.

2024 is going to be your year. This is your first day, and if you're starting a 'new year's resolution' then this letter is perfect for you. I bet you know exactly what you want to do and you might even know WHO you want to become. But I bet you haven't thought about the HOW.

Well, to keep it short and sweet - if you want habits to stick you need to reward yourself. Just like you would a child with positive encouragement or a dog with treats.

Have a piece of chocolate for working out. Give yourself time to watch your favourite TV show IF you work on your big project. Allow yourself a small present for a small victory in completing your habit - every day you do it. Of course, you already know what you want, so make it valuable to yourself.

That's it for today. Short and simple while I recover from a night of partying on NYE.


PS TODAY we start on our resolutions. Don't let the first day slip!

PPS Share this newsletter with a friend if have big goals this year.


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