Death by Pasta

A few hours ago, I was at a friend's birthday lunch. It was at a local bowling club so I wasn't expecting a five course Italian meal. Pizza, pasta, meat, Tiramisu, and then the actual cake, plus coffee. In other words - it was a lot of carbs and sugar. Enough to last me a month.

And not wanting to be rude, I didn't hold back.

But now, a few hours later - I can feel the weight of the food putting me to sleep. My energy is gone.


It reminded me of the book Ikigai. It's a Japanese word that translates to reason for being. It's about living a long and fulfilled life. There's a part which focuses on Japanese people from the island of Okinawa. They all have a skill - they usually live longer than everyone else in the world. Why?

Because they don't over-consume. They stop eating when they're not hungry. Not when they're full. There's a difference.

You might not have to eat much to 'not be hungry'. But it might take a lot more to make you full.

I agree with their way of doing things, and after today's gluttony - this is what I'll be doing for the rest of the week.

Wish me luck, and join me if fitness is one of your goals.

The question:

"When was the last time I chose to stop eating because I wasn't hungry?"

That's it for today.


P.S. I hope you're having a great weekend. Thanks for reading, if you loved this - share it with a friend!


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