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  • Christmas Special: How To Stay Social Without Being Addicted To Social Media

Christmas Special: How To Stay Social Without Being Addicted To Social Media


Excited The Office GIF


GM, Merry Christmas bro.


I hope you’re enjoying time with family and eating as much as your body allows. Today’s not a day to hold back.


In my database of ‘things to write about’, I had this gem stored away for this day. Because on a public holiday like this, a lot of us spend more time on our phones than with our families. It’s sad but true.


Here’s what you can do so you don’t “miss out” and stay present.


Step 1:

Delete all socials from your phone.


Step 2:

Enjoy time with family.


Step 3:

Use your computer to check what’s going on, once in a while.


Step 4:

Leave your phone in another room.



I’ve written before about leaving social media and the impact it’s had on my life here. It’s profound.



And one more thing. If you’re thinking of new years’ resolutions like losing weight, getting fit, or achieving something you’ve never tried before – doesn’t it make sense to give yourself more runway?


Start tomorrow. Don’t wait for the calendar to tell you what you can and can’t do.


Leaving social media will leave a gap. Fill it with work that takes you somewhere.




Enjoy the day.




P.S. Share this with a friend or family member that needs to hear it.




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