A Surprise For The Soul

Santa Claus Reaction GIF by Bundesliga

Most days are pretty ordinary
 yesterday wasn't.

I was sipping a Piccolo at one of my favourite cafes (Garcon), working on my book when I got a call. And that call changed the trajectory of my day.

“Hey mate, do yo have time right now to talk?” it was a good friend of mine.

“Sure, I’m free, what’s up?” I replied.

He proceeded to say ‘Thank You’.

Thanks for the year, the conversations, and the company. There was no other purpose to the call.

He didn't ask for anything, and we didn't talk about anything else. The call lasted a minute, and it distracted me totally from the mindset I was in.

That feeling gave me energy. It was a surprise, and I probably won't forget it like I forget the things my wife asks me to do.

An, now I want to give you that energy.

Thank you.

Thank you for reading this and supporting my humble effort. 53 days ago I started writing everyday online, and there are 171 of you who read this now. That gives me the motivation to keep going, and keep sharing everything I'm learning.

But that's not all, the learning doesn't stop. So today I just want to share two questions.

Just two simple questions that’ll open your mind.


"Who brings out the best in me? Can I schedule more time with them?"

That's it for today.


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